man standing in office while on his phone

Chin Up! Technology Tips for Better Posture

Stop Staring at Your Smartphone

Take a look at your phone. Notice what you just did? In all likelihood your chin went to your chest and your neck curved into a C-shape. This goes for all handheld electronics, like iPads and laptops. 

To save your neck, prop up your arms so you’re looking at your phone straight on. If you’re using an e-reader in bed, hold it up on your bent knees instead of down on your lap, or use a pillow or two to elevate your device to eye level without bending your neck.

woman standing while on the phone
girl sitting up straight at office desk space with computer

Sit Up Straight

When your grandmother scolded you about slouching, she was doing more than trying to make you look better. She was likely saving you from a backache. Think about the curve in your lower back and try to preserve it as you sit. Whatever you’re working on, make sure your keyboard and computer screen should are square with your body. Don’t put your laptop on your lap and hunch over it. You’re much better off putting it on a table.

Use the Headrest in Your Car

Despite our best efforts, many of us spend our days staring at screens, our necks craned downwards. Use your drive time to release some of the tension you build up in your neck. While you’re driving, lean your head back against the headrest. Doing so will naturally raise your chin to a comfortable position and take some of the pressure off of your neck muscles, giving them a needed rest. You can get the same release by placing your hands behind your head and gently pushing your head toward your hands.
girl smiling leaning on headrest inside car

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